Nigel Killeen, PhD
The Development of Murine Models of Recurring Myeloid Leukemia-Associated Chromosomal Deficiencies
Tumor cells in patients with leukemia or lymphoma frequently have abnormal chromosomes. There are recurring abnormalities that typify certain kinds of malignancies. Deletions of parts of chromosomes 5 and 7 are common in patients that develop leukemia months or years after treatment for other forms of malignant disease as a result of chemotherapy treatment. Dr. Killeen is interested both in understanding how these deletions contribute to leukemia and would also like to use the insights to devise better therapies for leukemia. Dr. Killeen proposes to create novel lines of mutant mice that carry specific chromosomal deletions that are analogous to those found in human leukemia cells. These mice will be used to determine the molecular mechanisms that underpin myeloid leukemia. They will also be used to develop and test new therapeutic approaches. Funds from the [Gabrielle’s Angel] Foundation support both the development of the mouse strains, and also improvements in specific aspects of the chromosome engineering technology used to create such mice.